GRATEFUL TO BE A WOMAN - Maternity yoga workshop by Brynne Caleda Kuch
Maternity yoga workshop by Brynne Caleda Kuch
1h 22m
Maternity yoga workshop by Brynne Caleda Kuch
In this hour-and-a-half workshop you will explore how to use the practice of yoga to connect to yourselves and your baby, through all three trimesters of your pregnancy. Preparing you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiraituualy the fourth trimester; life with your baby. Upon completion of our time together you will have learned simple breathing, movement, and meditation techniques that can be used during and after pregnancy.
Brynne Caleda Kuch is a mother, educator, yoga teacher, mindfulness practitioner, and strategic creative. She is the Founder of Yoga Ed.. and has spent the past two decades sharing yoga and mindfulness with pregnant women, young families, and school communities to help improve the overall health and wellness of families worldwide. Brynne lives in Honolulu, Hawai’i with her husband, and three children; she enjoys spending her free time with her family in wonder and awe of Hawai’i – hiking, surfing, learning about plants, and cooking.
母であり、教育者であり、ヨガ講師、マインドフルネス実践者、そして戦略的クリエイティブであるブリン・カレダ・クッチは、キッズヨガブリグラムとして世界的に実践されているヨガエド(Yoga Ed..)の創立者でもある。過去20年に渡り、妊婦や家族、そして教育の場でヨガとマインドフルネスを伝え、家族という核での健康とウェルビーイングの向上を推奨してきたヨガ教育分野の先導者である。現在は夫と3人の子供達とホノルルに在住し、ネイティブプランツやサーフィン、ハイキングを通してハワイの生活を楽しんでいる。
Instagram: @brynne.caleda